Tuesday 29 May 2012

Stay healthy with these motivational tips -

Staying healthy does not mean that it only has to be the physical well-being but also the mental well-being as well. These are a few tips for a much healthier lifestyle:

1. Feel Good About Yourself Today

Be sure the people around you make you feel good about you -- no matter what your size or health condition. In addition, if close friends encourage you to smoke, overeat, or drink too much, find some new friends who have good health habits and also want a healthier you.

2. Rethink Your Role Model

Barbie's still the first role model many young girls are drawn to. But let's be honest. For most of us to look like Barbie, we'd have to be nearly 6 feet tall, shrink our waist size by 8 inches, move the excess inches up to our chests, and then pose in the "suck in the gut/high heel" position all the time. Come on! There's a better way to live our lives than pretending.

3. Know What Makes You Overeat

The key to staying motivated is to know where your problem areas are and have a plan for dealing with them. Do you use food to cope with disappointment, rejection, boredom, or even personal success?

4. Make Simple Daily Change

Who said health-related lifestyle changes had to be all or nothing? Start small and make a few simple weight loss and exercise changes each day. These small changes can add up over time to give you a big health boost.

5. Find a Cheering Section

We all need a cheering section -- having to account to someone else gives you a reason to hang in there when you can't muster determination from within. It doesn't matter where the support comes from -- a spouse, friend, co-worker, or online "buddy," or others.

6. Forgive Yourself

If you slip up on vacation and overeat, drink too much, or fail to exercise -- forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up! Instead, say, "I really enjoyed my vacation," and let it go at that.

7. Never Go Hungry

Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD, author of Diet Simple, says the biggest cause of overeating is undereating. "People go too long without eating, and then pig out when they are ravenously hungry."

8. Remember That Change Takes Time

It's easy to see thin people and think how lucky they are. But here's the truth: If a thin person is over 30 -- or even over 20 -- chances are they are working hard at being thin each day.  Learn from them. Find out how they stay thin. Is it through more exercise? Eating fewer snacks?

9. Move Around More Today; Sit Less

Make healthy choices by being more physically active. Park at the end of the lot when grocery shopping. Change your TV channel manually. Take the stairs at work. Go on a long walk with your kids or grandkids. Raining outside? Walk or run in place while watching TV. No excuses!

10. Celebrate Each Day's Journey

In the midst of your exercise and weight loss goals, don't forget to enjoy each day's journey. Most women agree that their lives and dreams for the future are so intertwined with reaching a specific goal or destination that any derived pleasure is disregarded. Problems arise when the "goal" becomes the sole purpose of living and overshadows our daily lives.

Source: [x]

Sunday 27 May 2012


"Those with weight problems can now seek advice from experts, who are just a telephone call away, through the My Weight, My Health programme.

The programme will cover three parts -- information on nutrition, proper dieting and fitness through physical activities or exercises.

The call centre number is 1300-800-373. It is open from 8.30am to 5.30pm on weekdays."

Source: nst.com.my (New Straits Times - Online website for the local newspaper)

Monday 21 May 2012

#awareness 2

Have you seen any superhero who is obese? None of them are. Obesity kills your strength and makes you fall sick easily. Be healthy. Stay fit.

fight obesity. 

Friday 18 May 2012

Top 10 Obesity Causing Foods

'Junk food', the most common term for unhealthy food, are always appetizing, tasty, but very unhealthy. The amount of fat, oil and chemicals in these foods are scarier than you imagine. This short documentary explains why and how are the most tastiest foods are the major culprits of obesity.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Wednesday 2 May 2012


#fightobesity , it is an individual choice for a healthier life.
A blog to promote awareness and tips to stay fit and fight obesity.

Start fighting obesity. It can be prevented.